Our Goal Is To Be The Church Described In The New Testament …
We believe that when the seed, the Word of God (Luke 8:11), is sown in the hearts of honest individuals who then obey that Word, it will produce Christians – nothing more and nothing less. This is what happened in the first century, and this is what we strive for today.
Our Only Head is Christ …
We answer to Christ our Lord. He is the head of the church (Colossians 1:18). There is no human head or group of men who legislate for this church.
We Are Autonomous …
This means that we are self-sustaining and independent. The elders of the Whispering Hills church oversee the affairs of this congregation and no other church or organization. We are not a part of any denomination.
The Bible Is Our Only Guide …
The Bible alone governs our faith and conduct. The Bible is inspired (literally, “breathed out by God”) and infallible (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21; 1 Corinthians 2:11-13). What the Bible directs on any given subject is the final word for us. It is what we preach from the pulpit; it is what we teach in our Bible classes. We believe and accept all of it as truly God’s Word.
Unity Is Our Desire and Plea …
We believe unity is commanded by God and possible (Ephesians 4:1-6; Philippians 2:1-10). Religious division is condemned and an indication that God’s pattern and will is not being obeyed (1 Corinthians 1:10-13). We believe division can be repaired by returning to the revealed truth of God’s Word (John 17:17, 20-21). The Bible requires that we only speak and act where God has spoken (1 Peter 4:11).
Every thing about the church of Christ is very simple. It is not the purpose of the church to please vanity or pride with a display of vain things. It is not the purpose of the church to entertain people, or to amuse them when they attend our services. The church of Christ is a simple New Testament body, leading men and women to an understanding of the plain gospel of Christ. It leads men and women to Christ, and to God. It always welcomes those who from the depths of earnest and sincere hearts will reach out to God in simple worship and obedient living and consecrated service in those things that are right and true.
The arrangement of the church of Christ is very unique. There is no humanly made creed in the church. Its only rule of faith and practice is the word of God, and those who believe the Bible all accept our rule of faith and practice.
There are no ready-made prayers to read or to have read to you. From the depths of earnest hearts and sincere souls people in the church of the Lord express to God their earnest longings for His blessings and for His sustenance in every need.
There is no ready-made music in the church of Christ. Everyone makes his own melody in his heart by singing spiritual songs from the heart in praise to the God of heaven (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16).
The church of Christ is not a denomination, nor is it any part of one. It simply represents that of which all denominations claim to be a part — the church of the Lord, which He purchased with His own blood, and which is built upon the truth of His Sonship. It is the church of which Christ is the head, and of which He is the Savior (Eph. 1:22-23; 5:23; Acts 20:28).
It is in the church that believers in Christ find unity, and it is there that they offer up protests against the divisions and sectarianism denominationalism reflects (1 Cor. 1:10-13).
If men today will proclaim the simple message which was declared by the New Testament church, if they will worship God in the simple sincere way in which that church worshipped, if they will have the exact organization by which the New Testament church did its work, and if they will serve with the holy, earnest consecration that characterized its members, and if they will present to lost and dying men the same gospel plan of salvation, the same results attained by the church of the Bible will be attained by righteous men today.
We will have exactly the same church, the same hope for heaven, souls will be saved, God will be glorified, the name of Christ will be exalted in the hearts of men and the power of Christ and the unity of His disciples will be realized.
If you want to make “your calling and election sure,” if you want to do exactly what God wants you to do, and to be exactly what God wants you to be, you will appreciate the church of Christ and the stand it is taking. You will enjoy attending the services of the church. You will enjoy knowing more and more about the church, and one of the greatest thrills of your life will be realized when you find out what it really is, and for what it stands.
Whether you realize it or not, you will find at the church of Christ exactly what every sincere and earnest soul is looking for. Won’t you come to the church of Christ without further delay?
If you have any questions regarding any of the teaching found on our website, please do not hesitate to contact us and let us know. If you have information that contradicts what we teach, please send us an email. We want to be corrected before it is too late.